You must have used, seen, or read about computers as a modern-day child. This is due to the fact that they are an essential part of our daily lives. Computers are present everywhere, whether it is school, banks, shops, railway stations, hospitals, or your own home, making our work easier and faster for us. Because they are such important parts of our lives, we must understand what they are and how they work. Let us begin by formally defining the term computer.
The literal definition of a computer is a device that can perform calculations. Modern computers, on the other hand, can do far more than just calculate. A computer is an electronic device that receives input, stores or processes it according to user instructions, and outputs it in the desired format.
Model of Input-Process-Output :
The computer input is referred to as data, and the output obtained after processing it in accordance with the user's instructions is referred to as information. Data are raw facts and figures that can be processed using arithmetic and logical operations to obtain information.
There are two types of data processing processes:
Arithmetic operations -
Calculations such as addition, subtraction, differentials, square root, and so on are examples.
Logical operations -
Comparison operations such as greater than, less than, equal to, opposite, and so on are examples.
The following are the basic components of a computer:
Input unit -
Input units are devices such as a keyboard and mouse that are used to enter data and instructions into a computer.
output unit -
Output units are devices such as printers and visual display units that are used to provide information to the user in the desired format.
control unit -
This unit, as the name implies, is in charge of all computer functions. The control unit connects all of the computer's devices or components.
Arithmetic Logic unit - This is the computer's brain, where all arithmetic and logical operations take place.
Memory -
The memory stores all input data, instructions, and data intermediate to the processes. Memory is classified into two types: primary memory and secondary memory. Primary memory is located within the CPU, whereas secondary memory is located outside of it.
The central processing unit (CPU) is made up of the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit, and memory. The hardware components of a computer are visible and touchable computer devices such as a keyboard, mouse, printer, and so on. The set of instructions or programs that allow the computer to function using these hardware components is referred to as software. We are unable to see or touch software. A computer cannot function without both hardware and software.
Characteristics of Computer:
Let us look at some of the characteristics of computers to understand why they are such an important part of our lives.
Speed -
A computer can typically perform 3-4 million instructions per second.
Accuracy -
Computers have a very high level of accuracy. Errors are usually caused by incorrect data, incorrect instructions, or a bug in the chips – all of which are caused by human error.
Reliability -
Computers can perform the same type of work repeatedly without making errors due to tiredness or boredom, both of which are common in humans.
Storage Capacity -
Computers can store massive amounts of data at a fraction of the cost of traditional file storage. Furthermore, data is protected from the normal wear and tear associated with paper.
Versatility -
Computers are capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including data entry and ticket booking, as well as complex mathematical calculations and continuous astronomical observations. If you enter the necessary data with the correct instructions, the computer will process it.
Advantages of Using Computer:
Now that we understand the characteristics of computers, we can see the benefits that computers provide.
Computers can perform the same task repeatedly with the same level of accuracy.
Computers aren't tired or boring
Computers can perform routine tasks, freeing up human resources for more intelligent functions.
Disadvantages of Using Computer:
Despite their numerous benefits, computers have some drawbacks of their own.
Computers have no intelligence; they simply follow instructions without questioning the outcome.
Regular electricity supply is required for computers to function, which may be difficult in some places, particularly in developing countries.